Sunday, April 6, 2008

Not in the mood

It's not your fault, I am just not feeling especially eloquent today. Maybe it's due to the fact that I am starting to reach new stress levels. Maybe it's because I am realizing how much I have to do in the next few days and weeks. Or maybe it's because I have no hot water in my apartment and therefore am feeling rather dirty, smelly, and disgusting, and the only bright spots are that the crock-pot of salsa chicken smells amazing and that conference is spectacular. You know what, I think it is the lack of shower. And, cowardly though it may be, I refuse to take a cold shower. It's one thing to be in the shower and have the water go cold, but quite another to willingly venture in to the arctic for a few moments of cleanliness that leaves your teeth chattering for three hours. And it's Sunday, so the manager's phone is off. Lovely. I may just boil water on the stove and play it like Regency-era England. Except there is no maid to wash my hair for me. Alas for the modern age and equal rights.
At least Mary Poppins is on in the front room. There's SOMETHING to smile about. May your Sabbath be less aggravating than mine.

1 comment:

Erin_C said...

AND YOU GET TO GO TO ENGLAND SOON! Things can't be THAT bad HA HA HA. Oh and you'll do great on your test; you're one of those freaky smart people who succeed even without any effort;-)