Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I just realized I haven't posted today. I am so sorry. It's this blasted test thing. I can't think straight, talk right, or sleep comfortably right now. For example, I just tried to say 472 and I said 742. I'm losing my mind. But it's a good life lesson for me, I suppose. Everyone I have talked to that would know says that I'll be fine and that I should stop worrying so much. I just want to shout, "Easy for YOU to say! You passed!" but that would be rude, so I won't. How do you stop worrying without slacking? I have no idea. I have never been able to. It'll just make me more nervous. What if I get to the testing center and I forget everything I studied? That has happened to me before. And no test of my life has ever mattered more than this one.
OK, now I'm panicking again. Time for a distraction. Later.

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