Friday, April 4, 2008

Holy Hannah, what a day

I have to eat my words, apparently. Here it is 4:05 in the afternoon and this is the first opportunity I have had to even think about this. I am so sorry for all of you who read my blog with your morning coffee or tea or Cheerios. Blame it I overslept and it has thrown my entire day off. It has been nuts, and it ain't over yet. I have another double-header with the BYU softball team(we had one last night) and I am writing this from the Athletic Training office at the softball park in between warm-ups. Feel privileged, my faithful audience. This is all for you. Who am I kidding, it's all for me because, let's face facts, it's my teeny distraction from upcoming almost certain doom. I had a special thought all prepared thanks to my creative writing teacher, who is truly a wealth of motivational quotes and life lessons. Honestly, I have learned more about life and success from him than from any other professor.
Anywho, here we go.
"Life is not about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself." --George Bernard Shaw
I truly feel that that is a truth, friends. Think about it. So don't worry about finding out who you are. Just be who you are. Create the person you want to be. We are more powerful than we think we are and have so much potential. Here's one from my teacher that will be my closing thought. "The reason to create anything is because you love it enough to see it exist." --Neil K. Newell
Es la verdad. Good evening, y'all. Be good.

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