Monday, April 21, 2008


Well, folks, it's happened. No, I didn't get engaged. No, I didn't get a boyfriend. NO, I didn't get a positive response from a literary agent (Gosh, you guys are horrible guessers!). I have completed my last exam at BYU, which means that I am DONE. I have completed all of the requirements to graduate from this institution! I am going to be a college graduate as soon as they tell me to move that tassel in three days. It's such a relief!
Ok, now I suppose I ought to reflect on what I have learned over the last four years (yes, I did it in four. Crazy, I know). So, these are my perceptions:

1. Don't take GE classes your last semester of college. Senioritis makes it hard enough to take the classes you DO want to. Don't torture yourself with further crap.
2. You do not need your own personal 2 year supply food storage when you are a single college student. You will regret your over purchasing. I went through some food the other day that EXPIRED two years ago. Don't worry, it was still sealed, so I won't die of some freak disease.
3. Being active is a really good thing. Energy can come in all forms, but a regular exercise routine will be the most helpful. Don't live on caffiene and sugar rushes. It only lasts so long.
4. Have FUN! Take pointless classes every once in a while. It doesn't matter if it relates to your major or not. Just have a laugh! College only comes once, so enjoy it!
5. Befriend the nerds. They are really useful when it comes to exams, and besides, they can be a lot cooler than you think!
6. Don't worry about sitting in the front of the class. I never did. Just make sure you focus in class, and be respectful to the teacher and they'll appreciate you anyway. And thank them at the end of the semester. They love that. BE A SUCK-UP!
And finally, 7. College is a hard time, but it can also be the best time of your life. Take the stress, the lectures, the exams, the 27-page papers, and just run with it. There is so much more to it than that. You'll make friends you will keep for a lifetime and have unforgettable experiences. College is preparation for life, and if you waste that time, you will regret it. It's the time of your life, so live it well.

Farewell, BYU. It was nice knowin' ya!

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