Monday, April 7, 2008

General Conference

Just a quick note this morning about General Conference yesterday. Wasn't it amazing? I think it was the best conference I have ever been privileged to witness. If I had any doubts ever about the new president, his counsellors, or the new apostle, they were completely obliterated by the talks that were given, the Spirit that I felt, and the testimonies that were shared. I literally saw the mantle fall onto President Monson's shoulders, and there is no doubt in my mind that he is the prophet of the Lord. I am so excited for his era as prophet and president, and I love his counsellors. I think we are entering a fantastic time in our church. I LOVE Elder Christofferson. I think he is a wonderful addition to the Twelve. Isn't it amazing how the Lord knows exactly what we need before we do? I wondered what conference would be like without President Hinckley, and I was a litle worried about it. But my worrying was for nothing because it was so spiritual and testimony strengthening. As you all know, I am stressed out about this test coming up, but I took the time to listen to conference and not study during those times, and I am so glad that I did. I hope that I will be blessed for it with my scores, but if not, I have been richly blessed by the Spirit of the Lord, and that is more important to me than all of the certification exams in the world.
Happy Monday, guys!

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