Wednesday, April 23, 2008


It's a joy and a terror in one big swoop. I love that I get to pack up everything I own and move on to great adventures! It just makes the anticipation so much higher! And yet...packing up everything that I own in the safest and cheapest manner is the most stressful aggravating thing I know. Honestly, how did I end up with so much crap? It's absolutely AMAZING! And really really annoying.
But I need to get all of this packing done because my family is taking the stuff back to Indiana while I go traipsing off to Great Britain. And since we're all flying, suitcases and duffels are the thing. It's amazing how much you can fit into a suitcase...and how fast it fills up. But, never fear. I have become quite adept at estimating the 50 pound limit and I have not gone over it in the last 5 trips or so. I am that good.
Last time was scary, thoguh. I had two of the biggest duffels known to mankind going with Mom and Jenny after spring break and I had filled them as much as they could stand. I weighed them on my own bathroom scale, but who knows how accurate THOSE are, and they seemed to be just fine. Upon arriving at the airport check-in, however, I was not as sure. I watched in heavy anticipation as we loaded the first back onto the scale. My pulse was racing and my palms were sweating as those little red numbers shifted around and landed on...48.5 pounds. I barely restrained myself from whooping a victory cheer in the airport. Then the second bag was loaded on, and I waited again until it read...47.5 pounds. It was then that I realized that I had a gift.
Ok, so I don't really have a gift, don't ask me to pack your bags for you cuz I won't do it.
I'm really anxious to get these things done though because I have a lot of writing to do that I want to get done before I leave. So, the next few days should be fun, and hey! I graduate tomorrow! Yay! Technically, I guess that I graduate on Friday, but whatever. It's the principle of the thing.
Happy Wednesday!

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