Monday, April 14, 2008

What if?

Do you ever wonder what the world would be like if you were different? I tend to. Not that I made any huge decisions in my life that would alter the situation in China or affect the military action in Iraq, but I wonder about my own world. For example, what if I had decided to indulge in my musical love instead of swimming in high school? Would I now be a music major or in the theatre department? Or what if I had told my first love how I felt? Would I be less defiantly single? Would I still be VL?
There are so many little decisions that we make that don't seem to change anything in our lives, but in reality every single choice that we make (ok, maybe not what set of underwear to put on) has an effect on the course of our lives. I have always wanted to have a "It's A Wonderful Life" moment, where I get to see what things would be like if I'd never been born. Not because I don't think I should have been born, but because I am curious about what I have done in my life. What sort of a difference have I made?
It's probably one of those things that I will never know, which I don't like very much because, as you know, I like to be informed. The very idea that I don't know something is irritating. But I suppose I'll have to get used to it, as from here on out, I cannot plan anything. SCARY!!!!
Have a great Monday. Later.

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