Thursday, April 3, 2008

A whole lotta rambles

I don't know why I always write these things first thing in the morning. You'd think I'd wait until I was semi-lucid to put down something so profound. But I think that my sense of humor is just a teeny bit more dry in the morning, and that could actually be quite funny, depending on the sort of mood that I am in. Today is Thursday, which of course, means that tomorrow is Friday, and the next day is Saturday, which is a blessing every single week. Saturdays mean sleeping in. Sleeping in is one of my most favoritest hobbies, probably because I never get to do it. My entire college career I have taken classes in the morning because my schedule requires that I leave my afternoons for the teams that I work with. It's annoying, it's hard, and I hate it, but there it is. And I have discovered that when I leave this fine institution, I will have to still get up early so that I can make the money that I need to be a grown up. Crap. Life's not fair, people. Oh well, at least I have this summer to catch up on my four years--wait a tick, high school was rough too...make that eight years--of sleep deprivation. Sorry family, I guess that means I will be sleeping the entire six weeks that I am home. And when I am awake, I will be writing. I have missed writing SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! It's like someone cut of my opposable thumbs and now I am just like the other animals. If I stop thinking about my exam material for longer than 10 minutes, my writer's brain kicks in and I start getting ideas and new scenes and lines and I have to literally get up and do something, otherwise I will be distracted for hours. I hope these lovely things I have been 'seeing' won't disappear because they really are fantastic, I just have to be responsible for once. Are you confused about my 'seeing'? Let me there is too much, let me sum up. I have the ability to literally watch a scene in my head like a movie, and it tends to take over my eyesight sometimes so that all of my focus is on what my brain is showing me. I am not kidding either. A song is usually the trigger, and then an entire scene unfolds with music, characters, costumes, scenery, and, if I am lucky, lines. When this happens, I race to the nearest notebook and try to capture what I have just witnessed. And the scene never leaves my head and now every time I hear the song that triggered it, I witness the scene all over again. It's probably the coolest thing ever.
Anywho, ramlbing today. Hope you don't mind. Happy Thursday!

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