Sunday, April 13, 2008


Apparently, I was tagged by Erin. Cool. So here are my answers, and as I have no idea who actually reads this thing, I tagged the audience, whoever you may be. Enjoy, and Happy Sunday!

A- Attached or single: Very much single. Open for set ups. But not desperate

B- Best Friends: Steph, Whit, Brittany, my characters…

C- Cake or Pie: Yes please

D- Day of choice: Saturday. I don’t have to get up on Saturdays

E- Essential item: My imagination. I’d be lost without it…heck, half of the time I’m lost BECAUSE of it. But it makes my life exciting.

F- Favorite color: pale yellow. And dark green. But I might change my mind tomorrow.

G- Gummy bears or worms: worms. They stretch easier.

H- Hometown: Lafayette, IN

I- Indulgences: Romance novels, burgers, ice cream, comfy clothes, iTunes, sandalwood,, and impulse purchases

J- January or July: Where am I? Most likely July, but you never know.

K- Kids: See question number 1. But don’t worry, I have them all planned out. Ask me sometime and I’ll tell you. And besides, all of my characters are my kids. Therefore, I have….a lot.

L- Life is not complete without: musicals. And love. And laughter. And Swedish fish. And carbonation. And Jane Austen. And popcorn. And chapstick. And lotion. And blankets!

M- Marriage Date: TBA. Thanks for reminding me!

N- Number of Siblings: 2 crazy insane sisters, one goofy sister-in-law, and 3 moderately tolerable brothers.

O-Oranges or apples: on what? Straight up? Oranges. In a pie? Apples.

P- Phobias or fears: Small furry critters. Creepy men. Not being able to defend myself. Getting fat. Developing an intolerance for ice cream, beef, or carbonation. Dying alone.

Q- Quotes: “Around here… we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
–Walt Disney
"I'm forever in pursuit and I don't even know what it is I'm chasing."
--Harold Abrahams in Chariots of Fire
"No matter how clever or sophisticated a man may appear, he is merely clay waiting to be shaped by the hand of a superior woman. It is, however, best not to let him know this." --Helena Pennington

R- Reason to smile: My BOC exam is over, I’m graduating, and England is on the horizon. And I just saved a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to Geico.

S- Season: One without snow.

T- Tag four friends: You and you and you and you.

U- Unknown fact about me: I cannot sit still for anything. Seriously, ask my sisters. I have permanent scarring from their slaps and slugs to keep still.

V- Very favorite store: Borders. And Kohl’s.

W- Worst habit: I don’t put things away. And I make smart aleck comments. Aloud.

X- X-ray or Ultrasound: I’ve never had an ultrasound, and X-rays are boring, so ultrasound.

Y- Your favorite food: Right now….death by chocolate cake, steak, Ryan’s mom’s fruit salad, Weesa rolls with butter and raspberry jam, mint chocolate chip ice cream, miggyshakes, popcorn.

Z- Zodiac: Sagittarius. Go me.

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