Friday, April 18, 2008

Another short little thought

Hope you won't mind, I have finals today and need to study a bit more, but I wanted to leave you with this quote that hasn't left mind since I read it. It comes from one of my favorite new finds and it's not as astute as it sounds in context, but out of it, it's pretty profound.

"Can one appreciate perfection when it is a constant in one's life?"

I read that and I just sat there for almost two mintues going "Whoa.... can you?" I realized that it is true. If we only know one thing, how can we appreciate it? Then I started thinking about our weaknesses, which make us appreciate our strengths more. Then I thought about our trials, which make us appreciate the times when we don't have them. Would we truly appreciate our strengths and our good times if we didn't have weakness and trial? I don't think so. Therefore, (nice thesis, I am a soon-to-be college graduate) we should embrace the bad times, for without them, we would not know any good.
Marinate on that for a while. Happy Friday!

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