Wednesday, April 30, 2008

First Day in London

Hi everybody! I hope you all didn't think I'd died in the crossing or anything. Don't worry, I'm quite alive. Actually, right now I feel quite dead but spending my second nearly full day walking around London and having to climb four floors of stairs to even get to the bedroom will do that to you. But, on the up side, I am planning on having some nicer legs when I return to the States. AND I just saw Wicked for the first time. It was AMAZING! LOVED it! Any way, I'm still pretty jetlagged, but I'm forcing myself to stay awake for a little while longer.
Here's how this is going to work: I'll post the pic and then talk about it. If any of you have specific questions you want to ask me, comment and I'll answer!

Here's Eryn and I on the Heathrow Express. Please, forgive the disgusting appearance. It had been a looooong day and night, and we wouldn't sleep for a lot more hours.

The Taxi that took us to the Centre. It was SOOO COOL!

The view from my bedroom window and to the left.

Yes, I did. And it was FUN! That is an actual half of a trolley sticking out there.

Now THIS is where I should be hanging out...

WICKED!!!! And it was fabulous! I'm excited, can you tell?

Well, family and friends, I'd show you more, but frankly, this is long enough as it is, and I am EXHAUSTED. I'll have more fun stuff later in the week. I can no longer promise daily posts. Hope you can forgive me as you anxiously await more tales from me.

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