Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Reading day

That's an ironic name. Reading day... I don't know anybody who actually does reading (for school, that is) on reading day. For most students, it's the first day off and therefore a goof off day. Tomorrow is when the panic sets in and they begin to go crazy with the studying. I, of course, am I responsible student and will begin my studies today (at least, that is what I have been telling myself....) so that I can finally finish school and get out of here.
But I love reading days. I get to sleep in and stay in my jammies all day if I want to because where am I going to go? Honestly.... I just want these finals to be over so that I can be done. I wish that life had a remote control so that I could just fast forward all of these things and get to the good stuff like graduation and England. Who can settle for tests when those things are on the horizon???
And because I am a glutton for punishment, I promised a friend of mine her very own short story before I leave, and so now I have to do that as well. But with finals and crap, I have no idea how it will get done. But I will do it, because I am me and I am AMAZING!!! Or so I tell myself. It's a self-boost thing. I'm really not that arrogant.
Happy Wednesday!

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