Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I know, I know, why talk about this when I am most obviously single and not about to change that status for qutie some time. But I've done a lot of thinking lately and I have some thoughts. I was in my mission prep class yesterday and we were talking about marriage, and Brother Bott said, "I want you to know that marriage is not one big erotic fantasy after another. Sex is fun, but that will not make a marriage." And then we talked about the trilateral marriage with God, husband, and wife, and how if a husband and wife will grow closer to God, they cannot help but to grow closer together. I was touched when Elder Christofferson this weekend said that his wife was the light of his life, and when President Monson talked about his wife so tenderly. It makes me have hope in this disgusting world of divorce and adultery and immorality. I know a man who had been living with his girlfriend for some time, and they decided to get married, more for her than anything else. But when talking with him, he said that his life hadn't changed much, that he didn't care that much, and that he wasn't even sure he loved his new wife, only that it seemed the thing to do. I was so disappointed. Why tie yourself to someone you are not even sure that you love? I worry for their marriage, and for many other marriages when they are not founded on the right things. I remember something that my dad told me, and it was somethign that a former mission president's wife in Indiana would say to the missionaries during their last interview. They would talk about marriage, and then she would say something like this: "Make sure that you marry someone that you like. Genuinely, honestly like them. You should want to spend time with them and be around with them, because if you don't, when you have disagreements, it will be hard to get along with someone you don't even like." Love is of course important, and I am the world's biggest believed in true love and romance and passion, etc, etc, etc. But the foundation must be there, and the relationship is so much more important than living in a dreamland.
And those are my thoughts. Now I just need to find the guy....so off I go. See ya!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

One of my favorite things about conference the past few years has been hearing President Hinckley and others speak so highly of their wives. I was pleased this weekend that the tradition has continued even without him here. You'll find your guy, Becks! And it will be worth the wait!