Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm a Sap

No really, it's true. I make a full confession here in this very blog. I, Rebecca Lynne Connolly, am a hopeless romantic. And when I say hopeless, I mean hope-less. There is absolutely no cure for it. I have been this way since I was young and I certainly do not forsee myself changing any time soon. I believe in true love, in fidelity in marriage, in all-consuming passion for one person that can never be fully quenched, and in pure and untarnished happiness for all eternity. I read romance novels, surprise surprise, and will sigh, cry, squeal, or make other girly noises when something romantic or cute happens or is said. Fiction though it may be, I believe it is real and happens in life. Dunno how, per se. After all, I am certainly not the voice of experience here. And I've never really seen it, but I don't pay that much attention and all the people that I have watched were pretty sedate about it around us. Which is perfectly fine, it's not like I'm expecting a full-on performance involving bold and noble declarations that make every body go "Awwwww". I've never been privvy to a proposal as a witness (and obviously not as a participant), but it doesn't matter. I have romantic dreams and I have been around long enough and learned enough to know what marriage and love should be like. I write love stories. This is one of the great delights of my life. Taking two people and watching them go through various trials, usually of their own making, and seeing how they grow together and develop a relationship that I envy with all my heart. That is the beauty of it. I try to make the situations as realistic as possible, because that makes it more applicable, and I want the people who read my books to believe in love. It seems love is not a factor in the world anymore. Lust is the only thing some people care about. And while I have no problem with a husband feeling that physical desire for his wife, and vice versa, the beauty of true love is that there is so much more to it. Being willing to hold someone and to just hold them. Caring more about their welfare and well-being than your own. Wanting to be a better person for them because you feel they deserve more than just you. Devoting your life to making them happy and making a life with them. Forgetting yourself and your pride for the good of your relationship and for the sake of happiness. Never wanting to hurt them and being so quick to forgive that people wonder if you ever fight. These things are love, and there is more! As much as we females would like to admit it, even chocolate cannot fulfill what love can give us.
Does this make me unrealistic? An idealist? Slightly naive? A little bit crazy but in a really cute way? Perhaps. But I refuse to live any other way. Let me keep my little romantic. If it means that I view life through rose-colored glasses, then so be it! I may never find this for myself, I know I am not a beauty and not your average female. But I will never give up this hope that someday, some man will find me beautiful and will want me for enternity. Every person deserves someone like that, deserves the kind of love that transcends our mortal capacity. Love, my friends, true love gives us a little sliver of heaven, and makes us just a bit immortal. And I believe that is what makes it so amazing. I love love. I can't wait to find it. And if I never do, I'll always have my writing!
Happy Tuesday, friends. Make it special.


The James Family said...

Becky, your blog is a ray of sunshine to my day. I have had a really hard time with Ned deployed lately and your thoughts remind me of how much I have been blessed in my life. Thanks for making a difference! And don't worry...it WILL happen for you!

lynneconnolly said...

So we have more in common than a name?
I did a search for "Lynne Connolly" (see below for the reason why) and your name popped up!
Very interesting!
Just got back from the Romantic Times Convention, which was wonderful. On with the next book!