Monday, November 30, 2009

My Room

I thought that today could use a special blog post that I have been wanting to talk about for a few weeks. My room. I know, I know, you all were looking forward to my Christmas posts. But I'm listening to Christmas music while I write this, so it counts for me!
Ok, so my room. I had this room when we first moved into this house. When I went off to college, Jenny took it over, painted it, and made it her own. I inherited her old room with significantly less room and even less closet space. Very nice. Actually, it didn't matter too much as I was only home for a week at a time. But when I moved back here this year, it became obvious that the smaller room was not going to do. So I took my room over again. We rearranged all of the furniture and totally changed the look of the room, and now it is starting to feel like my own room again.
In one corner, we have the night stand that has been in our family since it started. In another corner, my lotion collection, box of textbooks, and other randomness. In the last available corner [the fourth is where the door is], my DVD collection, which is kinda huge. My desk rests against one wall, my bookshelf another, my bed the third, and the fourth and longest wall....well, that's my dresser...and my massive pile of randomness that includes a big bag of plastic bags, my Christmas bin, and Christmas presents that don't require hiding in my closet.
On my desk, there is a very nice collection of random papers. I have no idea what some of these are. On top there is usually pictures....yeah, they're just frames at the moment.
On my walls...My name painted in tropical letters that I got from Sea World when I was 10, a plaque from my volunteering days at the hospital that says "Live Simply, Laugh Often, Love Deeply", my painting from Paris, and my new wooden plaque thing from the Saurkraut Fest that says "Life isn't about waiting for the storms to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
My closet....maybe we won't go there. It's crowded...but not with clothes. With stuff. And a few Christmas presents.
My favorite part of my room, I think, is my headboard. It's a book shelf. Yes, now I have books within six inches of my head while I sleep. PERFECT!
Oh, and the walls of my room are blue. Jenny picked it out. It used to look like I was underwater in a pool, but now it's just my room.
So now you know. Hope you feel empowered.
What does my room say about me? What does YOUR room say about you?