Monday, November 23, 2009

Last week

Whew, I am glad that week is over! I didn't post anything, I know, but I can hoenstly tell you that it was the week from HECK. Now, part of it was good [the last few days were actually pretty dang awesome] but I went through some CRAP before that. But suffice it to say that it is over, my athletic training test is over, and my brain seems to be back on track.
Last week, I was grateful for the following things, in no particular order:
- My family, who have always been there to lift me up and support me no matter how unbalanced I seem
- Warm sun and cool breezes that remind me to take slow deep breaths and relax
- A good friend who helps you through tough times just by being there
- A job that I love and keeps me busy and makes me happy to do what I do
- General Conference talks that seem to find the little things you need to know and show you just how simple it can be to understand
- Good movies that uplift and inspire and help you to step back and look at the big picture
- The Lord. Honestly, I couldn't have done any of this week without Him.

Anyway, today I am grateful for health. I've been feeling a bit crummy over the last month or so, and I think it just might be over. I've learned that it is entirely possible to get everything you need to accomplished even if you don't feel like it with a little faith and prayer. Just because you don't feel good doesn't mean you have to feel bad. And smile through it. A smile goes a long way towards healing whatever ails you.
And by the way, I saw New Moon on opening night. FANTASTIC. Go see it.

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