Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Mommy

As you can see, I have updated my blog design to reflect the season. It is officially Christmas time and I am STOKED.
But today is not about Christmas [don't worry, every other day probably will be]. Today is about my mom. It's her birthday today and I am so grateful for her!
Ever since I can remember, my mom has been exactly the same: patient, caring, strong, and cheerful. I can count on one hand the number of times she has been grouchy or sad. She's always doing something for someone else, whether it's making dinner for all of us, baking cookies for friends, sewing pillowcases for the holidays, or preparing lessons for seminary.
She's a motivator. She has always been there for us to turn to when we think we can't do it any more and tells us that it's ok, we can go just a little further. She has so much faith that it's difficult to doubt when she tells you that you can do it.
She never thinks of herself at all. Everything is about other people. She will wear herself out doing things that 'need to get done' and then, after all of that, MAYBE she'll sit down with hot chocolate. Maybe. She'll probably remember something else during that.
She's a new grandma and she's loving it. She's so good with Carly and with helping out C and E whenever she's there. It makes me happy and I know that when I have children, they'll have a grandma that adores them and spoils them just like a grandma should.
I love my mom. I don't think there is a better mom in all the world. There certainly isn't a better one for me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOMMY!

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