Saturday, May 3, 2008

Days 3 and 4--getting my groove back

Well, friends, it's been a very full two days and right now is the literal first chance I have had to do this. Our days are packed with excursions to help us get to know London better, and let's just say the Tube and I know each other well. (For those of you who don't know, the Tube is their subway system, also called the Underground. I have not developed a dangerous relationship with toothpaste.) And so, for your viewing pleasure, I present further snapshots of my time in London. So much for blending in over here. I'm practically a Japanese tourist with my camera flashing out. Anywho, here we go:

This is me in Victoria Tower Gardens right beside the Houses of Parliament. It was SOOO cool. I think we get to go inside eventually....

Parentals, this is where you should retire to. It's in St. James' Park and right on a little pond. Or maybe, Mom and Lori, this is where you should escape to. It's not PEI, but hey!

I want to point out, first of all, that this is not zoomed in at all. This, my fellow Americans, is a royal carriage. The drapes are closed, which means someone is IN there. I almost got run over by this and this was the first shot I got because I was whipping my camera out. I dunno who it was, but I was halted by some royal guards when we went around the corner. This was at St. James' Palace (another amazing historical palace from at least Henry VIII) and NO ONE ELSE was around. AWESOME!! Say what you will, Yanks, I like royalty.

Me and Buckingham Palace. The flag is flying so the Queen is home...or was....maybe she's at St. James' Palace now...and ignore that strange man. Fool was rude and walked through and we were lucky for this shot.

Yes, Pride and Prejudice fans, I was ON Gracechurch Street. You know, where the Aunt and Uncle Gardiner lived? And I dunno what Caroline Bingley's problem was, it's a perfectly nice prt of town.

...yeah. I was confused too. (Leadenhall is the street it's on.)

We give them a hard time about this phrase, but honestly, can YOU think of a better way to say it? "Watch out for the distance between the train and the platform"? Give them a break.

Ah, Home Sweet Home. I present Number 27 Palace Court.

The Portobello Market. NIGHTMARE! But cool as well. If you don't mind smashing up against cigarette smoking Brits and Indians and various other people who smelled of wine and cheese, you might really love it.

The entrance to Kings College in London. I suddenly didn't feel so cool about my school.

Oh, and did I mention that the Russian EMBASSY is at the end of our road? I didn't? Well, IT IS!

1 comment:

Nick Ashley Reagan Coen & Ike said...

I can't believe you get to live there!! Some people have all the luck. Nick says he'd like a job there (England, Europe, wherever), so see what you can do... I'm glad you're doing this blog so I can pretend I'm there too. Thanks!