Friday, May 23, 2008

50 Facts about Me

I saw this one on my sister-in-law Erin's blog and I loved it. And right now I am doing nothing but watching a movie and waiting for my creative juices to return, so there. It's apparently supposed to be 100, but nobody wants 100 facts about me. So, here we go.

1. I was terrified of thunderstorms for most of my childhood.
2. Consequently, I would hide in my bedroom or anywhere near my mother just in case the storm turned into a tornado that would pick up my house and drop it on a wicked witch.
3. When these storms would come, if there was time, my mom would put on the Sound of Music for me. I have loved that movie ever since.
4. I was also terrified of fire. Not in general, but when my dad would make a fire in the fireplace. I was fine once it was built, but I was scared that while he was making it, a match would fall out and the carpet would catch fire and then we'd all die.
5. I intentionally catch my marshmellows on fire because I like the carbon-y taste of it on my smores. But it has to be all the way on fire, or the middle won't melt.
6. I love to camp, until we have to go to bed. I hate that part. Not the outside bit, or the bugs bit, but the hard ground, waking up feeling the dew, and knowing that breakfast was going to be stale doughnuts or leftover cobbler.
7. I am the only one in my family who stuck with piano lessons
8. I am a very fast reader, and it drives my family nuts.
9. I am more than content to spend entire days sprawling out in easy chairs or couches or my bed and doing nothing but read.
10. I have, and always have had, a very vivid imagination. I used to make up stories as a kid, and not much has changed today.
11. In elementary school, we had this book shop that would bind a student's story and leave room for illustrations. I wrote quite a few and never managed to illustrate them.
12. I am abysmal at anything art related. My stick figures are well known for looking more like....well, sticks than firgures of anything.
13. My left hand is useless by itself.
14. My hand-eye coordination doesn't exist in most cases.
15. I am the least athletic member of my family, and probably enjoy sports the least. Which totally explains why I majored in Athletic Training....
16. I love music. But real music, not the crap that we sometimes get on the radio. I like music that has feeling and power and tells a story.
17. I love theater. Particularly, musicals. If I could have done anything else in high school, that would have been it. I did one and I was quite good, I must say.
18. I was on the tech crew for two musicals at my high school just so I could be a part of the shows. They were 'My Fair Lady' and 'Hello Dolly'.
19. I participated in a summer musical production of 'South Pacific' between my junior and senior year. Technically, I had an actual character role, but it was very small, very pointless, and very forgettable.
20. My one and only real role in a musical was my senior year when I convinced myself to do it regardless of swimming season, and I played Phyllis Owens in "Babes in Arms", which is a dumb musical, but will always have a place in my heart. I was a middle-aged stage mother with my own agenda, and I loved every minute of it.
21. I just lied to you all. I had another main role in a musical. In 6th grade, we put on a show called "Mean and Ugly" and I played Madame Ghoulis, the female Death. It was so cool...then.
22. I want a Welsh corgi for a dog. And a masiff.
23. Dessert is my favorite meal of the day. I literally tremble in the face of fudge, cheesecake, brownies a la mode, or anything else that falls under the category of dessert.
24. I used to be able to eat whatever I want with no effects.
25. I vividly remember one day when I came home from track practice and headed straight for the ice cream and my brother made a comment about canceling out what I had just done by eating it. I shrugged and ate it anyway. It was, after all, chocolate ice cream.
26. My favorite ice creams are chocolate, and mint chocolate chip.
27. I have many many nicknames. Beckster, Beck, Bink, Boo, Bucky, Zulu, Trainer, Becky-Lou-Who, Becky-Boo, Binky, Becky-baby, etc.
28. My grandpa was the only one to call me "Becky-babes". It was probably my favorite nickname of all.
29. I cry in most movies. Happy times, sad times, hopeful times, reminiscent times, inspirational times, death scenes, birth scenes, love scenes, end scenes, I cry.
30. My sisters take great pleasure in my crying in movies. They watch me for it. They wait for it. I become the movie entertainment. One time, I caught Sarah staring at me and eating popcorn, just waiting and watching. I should sell tickets. The most posed question to Becky in the movie theater is "Are you crying?"
31. I have very strong cravings. If it is not a dessert, it is usually meat. Burgers, steak, chicken, bacon, and the like.
32. I cannot smell popcorn without wanting some.
33. I am obsessed with love. Love stories, love movies, love songs, love poetry, love pictures, etc.
34. I can count all of the dates I have ever had on one hand.
35. When I was a youngster, my parents could never get me to go to nursery or to have a babysitter. I would scream and cry and cling and be the child from hell every time. Not much has changed.
36. I played lots of sports growing up, an the only one that I succeeded in was the one not on land. Go figure.
37. My name, Rebecca Lynne, was going to be both Chris and Timmy's name if they had been girls.
38. I would willingly watch the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice any time, any place.
39. I am doubled jointed in my thumbs, and can hyperextend my elbow. I used to be able to sit with my knees in a W but I grew up.
40. I cannot flip on the trampoline. I have tried and tried and tried, but I cannot do it.
41. I have never gotten a speeding ticket.
42. I can't drive stick shift, though I have been sort of taught.
43. I have over twenty story ideas and plots on my computer and in my head, just waiting to be typed out.
44. My eyes are blue on the outside, then turn grey, and then turn yellow at the pupil.
45. I love dogs, which is bizarre, as when I was a child I was also terrifed of dogs.
46. I love watching movies, and tend to get sucked in really easily.
47. I have never liked a guy who liked me back.
48. My only real goal in life that I am sure to never achieve is to be taller than my mother. I am the runt in my family. And I am 5'9".
49. My hair is thin and fine, and therefore, does not hold any sort of style.
50. All I really want out of life is to love and be loved in return. That or a promising lifetime as a NY Times Bestselling Author. Both would be ideal.

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