Well, not much has happened lately, folks! We've been going to class and adjusting to our new found freedom in the city. Saturday we went to St. Martin's-in-the-Field for a concert called Baroque by Candlelight, which was truly amazing. The achitecture and beauty of these churches all throughout London is unbelievable! I wish that we had more churches like these back home. Sunday we went to church, then napped (does it get any better?) and then we had a fireside on hope, in which I sang (Alto II---scary!) with 5 other girls "The Prayer of the Children", and then we had a speaker from one of the wards come--he was SO cool!
Anyway, Monday we had Brit Lit again. Professor Talbot is one of the most entertaining persons I have ever had a class from. His expressions and vocal inflections, and personality quirks in general keep us all rolling in the rows of seats. I truly want to bring a camcorder to class and post a movie on youtube for you all to witness. Any time he tells a story, I wish I had popcorn and candy to go along with it. But he is truly a wealth of knowledge, and it is an enlightening experience wherever we are. Today I wandered aimlessly throughout London, found St. Bride's Church--which is the church for publishers and journalists and writers, so I found my pilgrimmage appropriate--, sketched a statue at St. Paul's--which is amazing--, and then went to St. Mary Abbots, which is the church that I want to get married in. Yes, I know, I will get married in the temple, no doubts there, have no fear. BUT in England when you get married you HAVE to have a public ceremony. Like, the government requires it. So that is what I am going to do, and St. Mary Abbots is the place.
Tomorrow we leave for Scotland (at 4:15 AM!!!!) and we won't be back until Saturday, so there will be no updates until then. But have wonderful days ahead, cuz I sure will!
Cheerio, mates!

Part of the garden at Kensington Palace, which is just down the road from us.

St. Bride's Church--for writers. The top was the inspiration for the first tierd cake. True story.

St. Paul's Catherdral. So cool.

St. Mary Abbots. The most beautiful small church ever!
The aisle. I practiced.
Even the DOORS are amazing!
1 comment:
Hi Becky! Beautiful pictures! I'm jealous. My parents are moving to NW Indiana near a town called Valporaiso. What's new with you these days??
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