Saturday, May 17, 2008

Days 15, 16, 17 and 18

Well, I'm back from Scotland! I ate haggis [and tastes like spicy meatloaf], ate bangers and mash [truly the best food I have ever EVER eaten in my life], and had some real honest to goodness English tea. Camomile, but still. Scotland was dreary and cold and cloudy when we arrived and walked 10 miles--not exaggerating--up to Arther's Seat [why he wanted to sit so high up, I will never know], but it was still really REALLY pretty, and an amazing view. But then a literal miracle happened. We were on our way down the mountain and the clouds suddenly vanished and the sun came out, and my breath was stolen from me. It was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. Color was everywhere, and so bright and vibrant and pure that I was sure it was fake, but then I'd blink, and it was still there. I cannot even describe it to you. There is nothing I can put on here in words or pictures that could possibly show you what it looked like. It was amazing, and that word can't even compare with what I saw.
Anyway, then we walked back down and started to explore the town, and the Edinburgh Castle, which was SOOO cool. Edinburgh also has two wonderful fudge shops... and a whole host of various shops that were so cute and lots of fun. The hostel we stayed at was WAY cool, and it was a really fun place to hang out. I bought a real Scottish sweater [which still smells of sheep it is so real], a real Scottish scarf [which I have been getting MILES out off since its purchase], and some real Scottish fudge [which is no longer available for consumption, I fear]. Good souveniers.
York, on the other hand....well, let's just say that we were all really tired when we got there and there was not much to endear York to us. There was a Viking museum....that seven year olds would enjoy, but it was something to do. We went to Evensong at the York Minster, the center of the Anglican church there, which was amazing, if really interesting. And the town was really very quaint. Lots and lots of shopping, and they had a Borders and at least three Starbucks. So there you go. BUT as a redeeming quality for the lovely town of York, the Scarlet Pimpernel the Broadway musical was playing by the York Music Theatre Company. It was SO good! And the theatre was so pretty! It was without a doubt, the best part of the day. Oh, and York has a fudge shop too...
So, it is lovely to be back in London, though it is now raining and cold just as it was most of our trip, but it is nice to be 'home' all the same.

Saw this, and laughed. I am one of three sisters, you know. It was appropriate.

On top of Arthur's Seat. Amazing view, and a whole lot of walking and climbing and sweating and cursing Arthur to get there.

Edinburgh Castle. There should be lightening splitting the sky right now, huh?

The Royal Guard. See, the castle is a real working military base and they do this every day. It was SO cool with those bagpipers in red going along with the marching!

This one's for you, Mom. White cream fudge drizzled with dark was heaven.

Me and my camomile tea in the Elephant House, where JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter. Never fear, I channelled the writing energy and wrote upon my own napkin in there.

Ah, the American spirit. Hard Rock in Edinburgh. Why Emily and I look vicious is beyond me.

The Fudge guy in York. Chocolate covered toffee flavored. In case you were wondering, fudge is really REALLY good when it is warm...

Evensong at York Minster. THAT was amazing. The Minster was HUGE!!! And SO beautiful.

Eryn and I at the Scarlet Pimpernel. SO AWESOME!!!!!!

So, I guess that's it, folks! See you in a few days! Cheerio!


Nick Ashley Reagan Coen & Ike said...

We get more jealous by the day. Mostly about the fudge, but the castles look pretty cool too. We put you on our favorite people list, that's how cool you are. Thanks for the pics, you have dedicated followers up here in Norther Idaho.

Lanenga Family said...

Bec! Wow! It looks like you are having an amazing time! Hope all is well with you and keep having fun! :)