Monday, June 2, 2008

What I've Noticed...

I had a little bit of extra time tonight, so I started to think about the things that I have seen in London that have struck me. These are in no particular order.
1)There are no drinking fountains. Anywhere. The only one that I have seen was in the Temple.
2)There are very few public toilets. Some restaraunts have them, but in most cases you have to be a paying customer to use them.
3)There are these little crosswalk zones with zig-zag lines and big black and white striped poles with a yellow light on top that indicate that it is a "Zebra Zone", which means thatthe pedestrians have right-of-way. But it is a very very scary thing because you never know if those drivers are actually going to stop for you.
4)EVERYBODY smokes. If you don't smoke, you've either quit smoking, are on your way to buy more cigarettes because you've just finished your last one, or you are Mormon. Or 10 years old or younger.
5)They go for the natural hair out here. I am not talking about the color, because obviously, they don't care about that. But with all of the public transportation and unpredicatable weather, the hair is not as perfectly coiffed as it is in the States.
6)The Brits are SO QUIET! I have to strain my ears to do any sort of eavesdropping. Unless, of course, they are drunk. Then I have to cover my ears.
7)They read a lot. Novels, newspapers, magazines, work stuff, it doesn't matter. When they are travelling, they are reading.
8)They aren't so fond of loud American tourists. If looks could kill...
9)There are almost more other cultures in London than there are Brits. Not joking.
10)They have a very strange form of Fanta that is actually quite fabulous. You can't get it in the States, but it is quite popular here. I wonder if I could import it.....

Anyway, London is still fun. I go to Phantom of the Opera tomorrow, and then PARIS (YAY!!!) on Wednesday, so I won't write again till I get back from those adventures. Til then!

1 comment:

Lanenga Family said...

Beck! It looks like you are having SO much fun! I love those 10 little facts...what an amazing experience that is! Hope you are well, and enjoy Paris!!!