Monday, June 9, 2008

Days 38, 39, 40, and 41

Well, kids, we are winding down here in the London Centre. I had my last English class today (YAY!) and the days left are fast approaching single digits. But there are still some adventures going on.
Thursday we spent all day at the Victoria and Albert Museum working on our sketches for drawing class, and I want you all to know that I have improved enough that my people look like people, thank you very much.
Friday we left in the morning for Bath. I was really excited to go as I had been there before when I came to England four years ago. It was just as great as I remembered. Our hostel was an old house that had been redone, but it had the original dining room, living room, and drawing rooms. It was so cool! Bath is so pretty! Mom and Lori, go there! The entire time I was just waiting for a man in Regency-clothing to come riding up on his horse. Sadaly, that did not happen. But we had fun anyway. Lots of souveniers there!
Saturday we went to Stourhead, a REALLY cool preserved Georgian house with world famous gardens. They filmed part of the new Pride and Predjudice at the Stourhead Gardens, so it was cool to go there. The scenery was amazing, and if I had money, I would live in a cottage there. After that we went to Stonehenge. I suppose I should have been impressed, but the entire time I was just thinking, "But it's a rock!" Oh well. Maybe I'm not very cultured.
Sunday was a regular Sunday with a nap and a fireside, only this time it was a musical one, which is always fun. I ot to sing "Come Thou Fount" with a bunch of other girls, and it was really pretty.
Today was a really long English class in the afternoon. I spent the morning lounging about and writing, which I have decided is my life's dream. I want to lounge about and write all the time. Sigh......maybe someday.
We go traipsing off to Oxford this week, and also to Blenheim! I am looking forward to that one. I hope the Duke of Marlborough is actually there, as I am going to try and snag his oldest grandson so I can inherit......
Our Hostel in Bath. Isn't it cute?

At the Fashion Museum in Bath. Dream fulfilled, mark it off. That is cinched really tight! Don't I look wonderful? I'm bringing those back into fashion.

The River Avon in Bath. So pretty!

The pasture we walked through to get to the city. Insert man on horse, please.

Haha, dressing up in Georgian clothes at Samuel Johnson's house.

Stourhead House. No pictures inside, but I got to play the piano in the drawing room. SOOOOO cool!

Lounging on the back lawn of Stourhead.

The view from some point in Stourhead Gardens.

Recognize this pillar? This is where Keira Knightly and Matthew McFadyen ALMOST kiss in the new Pride and Prejudice. Not joking.

Stonehenge. The most famous rocks ever. Lucky.


Erin_C said...

I would recognize that pilar anywhere. . .
"I love you . . . most ardently"
Think I'm going to go home and watch that now!
And corsets really aren't that fun--I wore one all day for the wedding and I think it bruised my ribs ! ha ha

Jackie said...

I love your pictures! I'm so jealous that you've had such a fun trip!

Nick Ashley Reagan Coen & Ike said...

I can tell you're not that impressed with the rocks. I think I'd be thinking about Shanghi Knights.