Friday, March 28, 2008


Funny/disgusting story time. Yesterday I was on campus with Jenny and we were just minding our own buisness when Jen suddenly grabbed my arm and said "That guy is picking his nose!" I was skeptical. I mean, c'mon, we're college students for crying out loud. But I turned and, sure enough, there he was. But it wasn't some accidental hooking. This was a deep, plunging, digging for clams harvest. I was embarrassed for him. "That's sick," I said and went back to what I was doing. Not two seconds later, Jenny goes, "Oh my gosh, he just ate it!" "Oh, yeah right," I said. For real, nobody does that outside the first grade. But curiosity got the better of me, and I began watching. Horror of horrors, the college student was indeed eating the rewards of his endeavors. My stomach clenched and I just stared at him (don't worry, we were in a discreet location and he couldn't see us). How in the world could a mature person do something so disgustingly childish? Not to mention really really gross! But then I thought, what is mature? I have some male relatives in their seventies that are hilariously immature, and I know some young men that are wise beyond their years.
So, besides wanting the rest of you to be thoroughly disgusted this morning, I do have a point. What do we do when we think no one is looking? Would we be embarrassed if we were caught? Would we lie? Would we do it again regardless? Would we care?
These are all things I asked myself, and I can honestly say...I have no idea. But I'll pay more attention to myself (boy, that sounds uber-superior of me) and watch for those things that I do that no one else sees (I hope) and I'll let you know. It'll be a growing experience for all, and hopefully not embarrassing for me.
Anyways, happy Friday and good weekend! And if you go digging for clams, bring a spade.

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