Monday, September 29, 2008

New Happiness

Ok, besides the fact that the Relief Society broadcast was AMAZING and that my home stake's Women's Conference was OUTSTANDING, I have other happy things that may have just completed my life.
1) My mom, bless her, took me shopping while I was home because I am a very poor no-longer-college student, and she bought me not only a new skirt [which is adorable] but a new pair of Church shoes that just might be the most favorite shoes that I now own.
Aren't they fantastic??? Seriously. I wore them to church yesterday and I felt amazing.

2) I saw a new musical on Friday. It's a musical adaptation of Emma. I was skeptical at first, because we all know that it is one thing to make a movie from a book, but an entirely different thing to make a musical out of one. It works sometimes [like Les Miserables] and sometimes it doesn't [like Gone With The Wind]. This one was totally amazing. I think it must be off-Broadway, but it was the most fantastic thing I have seen since London. Mr. Knightly was a god, Emma was perfect, Harriet Smith was both as endearing and annoying as she should be, and the music was fun and sooooo good. There's a song Knightly sings about Emma and ugh! It totally made me cry.They were so cute! And I laughed my face off. Thankfully, the girl sitting next to me from our group was single, too, so we laughed at the same things... After Knightley finished his BEAUTIFUL song [part of which can be viewed on youtube here: ], she leaned over to me a whispered, "I want one of those." I was in total agreement

So yes, new happiness has been found. Besides that, I inherited a full package of Halloween Oreos. Perfection...for the time being...


Lisa C said...

It was so fun to have you come home for the weekend!

Andrea said...

So I recently stumbled across your blog...I love the shoes. Love.