Sunday, September 21, 2008


13 Confessions from Me:
1. I will not do anything that has a potential to embarrass me. This includes sports and games. Oddly enough, I will do almost anything in a skit...
2. I hate video games and think they are a HUGE waste of time
3. I don't like basketball. Hate it, actually.
4. I don't like Jim Carrey. I think he is a good actor, especially when he does serious stuff, but I don't think he is that funny.
5. I think birds are the creepiest, scariest things on the planet. I hate hate hate HATE them.
6. I can call up a movie quote almost immediately but it takes time for anything school related to formulate.
7. I hate blatantly stupid movies and shows. Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre, The Office, etc. I don't ever care to see Dumb and Dumber for that reason.
8. I HATE bad grammar and wrong pronunciation
9. Slow drivers and walkers tick me off like nothing else
10. I have a crazy obsession with love. It's incureable. I read it, I listen to songs about it, I write stories about it, I watch movies about it.
11. I sing in the car when I'm by myself. Loudly.
12. I cry in movies and during songs and while watching Hallmark commercials.
13. I cannot watch films where a spouse dies without going entirely to pieces. Total meltdown.

I tag Erin, Alicia, Jane, and Steph. And anyone else who wants to...

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

wants to what? i guess my brain is fried or something, but i guess i don't understand the question.

and how are we friends? looking at this list i really can't see the connection. i love blatantly stupid movies, i have dumb and dumber taking up most of the space in my long-term memory. i love video games, i play basketball, and i never cry. wow. i guess i just never realized how different we were.