Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Oh the stories I have to tell...

No, I didn't die. No, I was not abducted by aliens. And no, I did not win 5 million dollars, move to a deserted island with a very attractive very single doctor, and completely enjoy forgetting about every single one of you. Fabulous, though that last sounds.
I have been INSANELY busy.
Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up: I have been packing for my move to Cincy, shopping for a fabulous outfit that I can wear this weekend to the wedding of some high school friends [ladies, you understand the pressure THAT puts on a girl...] and then Breaking Dawn came out. Oh, Breaking Dawn, how did I ever live without you? Anyway, I stayed up all night and read the entire thing [I read fast] and then I went to sleep about 7:45 Saturday morning. Here's where it gets fuzzy. so I'll speak in third person. Apparently, Becky got up about 11 and decided to go and take a shower. However, unbeknownst to  her, during her brief hours of sleep, her body pillow with the thick velvety case fell off of the bed and landed atop the only AC vent in her room. Now, for those of you who have not memorized everything about Becky's life, her room faces directly east and she has 2 windows. Therefore, it gets VERY warm in her room in the mornings. Thus, the thick body pillow with the velvety covering landing on the only source of cool air for the entire room rendered things a bit complicated. So, Becky, as she always does, sprang out of bed without a second thought and certainly no recovery for her head, and darted to the bathroom to cleanse herself. Upon reaching the bathroom, the heat of the room and the staying up all night caught up with her. She passed out and on her way to the floor, hit her head on either the toilet paper holder or the toilet itself, we aren't entirely sure, as no one saw her do it.
Now, her brave sister Jenny, hero of the day, was downstairs and heard the thump and, upon receiving no satisfactory audible response from Becky, ascended to the bathroom to ascertain the situation. She found Becky sitting up, feet propped against the door, making no sense. Thinking quickly and taking in Becky's pale and VERY sweaty state, she helped her undress and get into the bathtub, where she began to cool her off with cold water. Their mother arrived soon after and, upon hearing Becky repeat herself many MANY times, decided that a trip to the ER would be advisable.
After many hours, a catheter, a CT scan, blood tests, and waiting, the trusty staff of the Home Hospital in Lafayette decided that Becky had a concussion and needed to stay overnight for further observation. They moved her up into a room, and this is where Becky's memory began to kick in, and she no longer needed to repeat the same questions over and over and over and over and...well, you get the idea.
So. That was that. It was very frustrating for me, and very exasperating. But I went home on Sunday, and Mom helped me to finish packing [ok, she did it all and I sat in a chair and told her yes or no]. I drove to Cincy on Monday, with about 50 trillion guardian angels, I'm sure, and I went to my first day of school yesterday. Hoo, BUDDY, are there some characters in that class! It will be a very interesting time, lemme tell ya. 
Today I did very little. Job hunting and therapeutic book purchasing. [Don't mock me,  it works.] School again tomorrow, and then I plan on moving my things into a semi-permanent place and cleaning on Friday. But shhh! Don't tell Lori. She's out of town.
Which reminds me... Readers of this blog will please take a moment now to raise a cheer for the birth of Lorelei Brynn Rahlf. She came on August 5th at 4:30 MST (or is it MDT?) and weighed 8 lbs 9 oz. Happy parents are Tony and Melanie Rahlf, and excited big brother Soren. HUZZAH!
More updates to follow in the coming days, and more writing for those of you who are enlightened enough to receive it. Thank you and good night.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Becky! What a story! I'm glad that you're okay. When are you moving?