Saturday, August 16, 2008

Starting Over.

I have not been very happy as of late. I've just moved to Cincinnati, and although I lived here in my childhood, it hardly resembles the same place. There are some familiar faces and places and things, but for the most part, it is changed. I have yet to meet any kids from the single's branch here, and so my social circle is limited to the Rahlf's [whom I love to death, mind you...] and the people in my Massage Therapy classes [I'm saving THAT rant for tomorrow...look for it.] So right now, this place is very very lonely for me. It's depressing, actually. I'm praying and reading my scriptures and such, so THAT part of me is ok, but sometimes the Spirit just isn't enough, you know?
It reminds me of a story I heard: There was this little boy who sometimes had problems in the night where he would wake up and cry because he was scared. His mother would come in and would tell him to pray and that Heavenly Father and the Spirit would make him feel better, and that he didn't need to call for her all the time. A few nights later, he called for her in the night again, and she came in and told him the same thing she had before. Her little boy looked up at her, with tears swimming in his big eyes, and said, "Mommy, don't you know? Sometimes you just need someone with skin on."
That's how I feel most of the time! The more I learn about touch in class, the more I wish that I had more exposure to it. That sounds weird, let me try to explain: I am the type of person that loves hugs. I will randomly go up to my mom or a friend and wrap my arms around them purely for the reason that I need that contact. I enjoy being close to people physically, and sometimes I just feel like I have to touch. It makes things more real to me, and I feel more comfortable when I can establish that I have access to it. But right now, I am starving for affectionate human contact. Granted, I get the impersonal professional touch of the students in massage class [which should be comforting, but it's not...again, watch for tomorrow's blog], but it's not the same.
ANYWAY, barring the lack of human contact, I felt that something was missing. So I started going through my writing again, and BOOM I had something to fill my endless hours. I thought I'd start to share some things with you on here. Not all of it, because then when I'm famous, no one would buy the book. And I don't want y'all to save this stuff and publish it under a new name! JERKS! Haha, jk. But I hope you'll bear with me as I begin to open up with my writing, which happens to express more of me than I ever thought it would. Advice on the writing [or anything else, for that matter] is welcome! I'll post it above this. Enjoy!

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