Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My name...

So I wonder a lot what people's names mean. Why are you named what you are?
As far as I know, my parents just liked my name. It was going to be Chris's name if he was a girl, and then it was going to be Timmy's name if he was a girl, but alas...
So there's no REASON for me to have my name. But through the help of, I discovered some meanings.
Rebecca is a Hebrew name [like we didn't know that] and it means Snare. Intruiging and yet so ironic....
Lynne is English and it means From The Lake. Oooooooo....
And NOT thanks to, I know the meaning of my last name. Connolly is Irish and it means courageous or valorous.
So. Snare From The Lake Courageous. Sounds like an Indian name. Hey, I like it! Which is a good thing, as it is a mite late to change it.
Now the REAL question is will my new last name when I eventually get married have just as cool of a meaning as my current one? What if it means Hairy Dog? That would totally ruin the effect of the sweetness of my name. What if it has more consonants than a mouth can handle and I have to spell it out every single day of my life 27 times? Last names are very important! Whenever I meet a semi-attractive guy, I tack his last name onto mine and see if it works. If it doesn't, he's out. Ok, maybe not TOTALLY out, but it is a definate strike. Imagine if my name became Becky Boomer. I mean, I would have to wear a paper bag on my head in public. If I have to subject myself to eternal humiliation based on my name alone, my husband had better be the most attractive man on the planet. Seriously...
I'm going to start praying for a good last name...or the most attractive man on the planet...
I'd prefer both.


alishka babushka said...

bwa ha ha. i love it becky. it makes me happy to hear that i'm not the only girl to do this. heaven knows i've "tried on" a man's last name while dating. my current man of choice's last name is perfect...he he he.

Unknown said...

**snorts** Beck, you make me laugh. I do the same thing... even men I haven't met before! It's sad... but pathetically true, too. :D BTW, I also dig your Indian name. Mine means Bitter (Maria) god is my oath (Elizabeth) Merchant (Mercer)

So I guess that makes me a Bitter Merchant who takes the Lord's name in vain?