Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Moment of Pity

It is very late at night, and I am exhausted, but I just got an email about the results of a contest...
I didn't final. I was about 40 points from finalling.
40. That's a lot.
I love my manuscript, and I worked hard to get it as good as I could before sending it in. Yet they found so many things they didn't like.
I feel crushed, at the moment, but it'll pass, I'm sure, and I'll look more deeply at what they said and work it through AGAIN. But one of the judges was published...and she hated it.
One judge loved it. She gave me a REALLY good score.
The other was half and half. She was the most helpful.
I know that tastes are different, but how different? I know I need to just believe in myself and in my work, but when no one else does, it is hard to.

Moment of pity, please, because right now, I need it.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

That's rough, Beck. You're right, there is no accounting for taste...and you really do have to believe in your own work and love it. Keep hanging in there! Your day WILL come!

There's leftover ice cream at your place, right? Do it! :)