Thursday, October 1, 2009

Me and My Movies

I have a problem. [And everyone always says that admitting it is the hardest part, so I'm doing good.] I am addicted to movies. I dream in movie form, I write in movie form, I quote movies [and DANG WELL, if I might be so bold], and I posess the ability to replay entire scenes, and in some cases entire movies, all from the comfort of my head. [No comments about a psych ward, please.]

And I'm not picky, either. I love the basic chick flicks and have an absurd fixation on Regency England films. I love WWII movies. I love sports movies. I love old classics. I love big action movies. I love romantic comedies. I love Disney. I love mysteries. I love the mini series. I love musicals. I love the epic adventure. I love the movies based on historical events.
Confused and astounded? Try living in my head!

But each of the movies I adore so much have their rightful place. I am one of those people that has to have something going on while studying or writing or just plan old cleaning. In cases like those, a movie that I know well enough that I don't have to watch to know what is happening is my choice. If studying, something gentle, say Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant, and Alan Rickman is a good choice. If writing, Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle is a favorite, but any romantic movie will do. If cleaning,...well, the spectrum is a bit broader there.
As you all know, I live with my parents right now. They have LOTS of movies. It's great. But I still buy the movies I want for myself because I know I won't live with them forever and I need my movies when I move! It's quite funny, actually.

I didn't know that my tastes were so vast until someone mentioned it to me. Apparently, it's impressive. I don't know about that, but the fact is, plain and simple, I love movies.
I love the story in movies, seeing the change in the characters, the challenges they must face to get to the resolution, and how they get from point A to point Q, so to speak. It's like watching a book....but the addition of special effects and music brings it so much life!
TANGENT ALERT: The music in movies...ugh, I love the music in movies. It sets the stage so well, capturing the emotions of everybody in the movie and out, making us all feel what they feel. As you all know, I cry in movies all the time. My sisters have confessed to placing bets on it. But what some people don't know is that often, it is the combination of story and music that sets me off. If it was just the story or just the music, I might [and I emphasize MIGHT because, hey, you never know] not cry at all. I am a sucker for soundtracks and I adore setting soundtracks for my own books so that I can try to put more of the magic I feel in movies into my pages.

So yeah, I love movies. Going to the movie rental place is like visiting a treasure room. I have to prepare myself before going, or I will rent 20. Going to the library is a little better and a little worse. Better because there is not as much of a selection as the movie rental place. Worse because they are free....

Going to movies....Oh my gosh, I ADORE going to movies. I love the darkened room with the comfy seats. I love the popcorn [....ok, I REALLY love the popcorn, let's be honest] and the candy and the drinks. I love the surround sound. I LOVE IT. And the midnight showing of the opening night is THE BEST because NO ONE has seen it!!!
In college, there was a dollar theater that played movies a few weeks after they hit the regular ones. That was a dangerous place for me. I'll see just about anything for $1. If it was a terrible movie, at least I had popcorn! If it was great, AWESOME!
Another funny quirk is that I have no favorites. I mean, I do, but I don't. I do not have one absolute favorite movie. I can't! There's too many! I can give you a top five...per genre... Oh, sure, if you ask me which one movie I would take on desert island, I'd tell you, but why would a desert island have electricity and a DVD player???

But yeah, there's no telling what movie I will like and not like. People try and guess, but it seems that only I really know...

1 comment:

Alicia Curtis said...

I love movies a lot too. Its something my husband and I like to do together - watch movies. We've recently discovered the $5 movie bins at Target and Walmart. Fantastic!