Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Little Bit of Crazy

I actually have a moment to breathe right now, so I'll enlighten you all on what has been going on.
Last weekend, I drove down to Waynesville, OH for the Saurkraut Festival. It's a HUGE two day event involving lots of adorable craft booths, beautiful paintings, and, yes, saurkraut. Lots and lots of saurkraut. I worked with my friends Lorrie, Susan, Alex, and Sherri at the booth for Mistletoe Memories, a company that makes handmade ornaments for Christmas and then we personalize them right there at the booth, and they are SOOOO cute! We've gotten one every year in my family. They are awesome! Look it up at
Anywho, we set up on Friday, worked from 7:30 in the morning (a very COLD 7:30, I might add) til about 8:00 that night, then ran to Olive Garden, as is our tradition, and got take out, thanks to the many teenagers that had decided to patronize it for their homecoming meal. We were exhausted, drained, and very VERY happy to find our beds that night. Sunday was shorter -- only 8:00 to 6:00. Then we closed up shop, packed everything into our two mini-vans, and headed back to Indiana. I got in at about 11:30. Needless to say, I collapsed into bed.
The rest of the week was mostly uneventful, just working and studying.
Thursday I got into my little car, drove 6 and a half hours to Kirksville, MO, and have been staying with my former college roommate Stephanie, now going to med school and well on her way to becoming a doctor. We've been having a splendid time and it's been really fun getting back to old times.
But when I come back on Monday, it will be back to the grind. There is work to be done!
In other news, my darling neice is growing every week. I haven't seen her in a long time, and she's not my snuggly little newborn any more. Now she's ...well,...more of a baby, I suppose. She's almost 10 weeks old, and I'll get to see her at the end of the month, and I am so excited!!!!
So that's my life at the moment. Some work, some fun, some more work, and some more fun!

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