Friday, September 25, 2009

What Makes Us Who We Are?

What differentiates us from each other? Why do I cry all the time, but my best friend hardly ever does? Why do some people get mad quickly and others never seem to? What makes some people eat when they're stressed instead of smashing something like others? Why do some people have a guilty conscience and others have none? Why are some people so amazingly spiritual and others just...there? Why are some people brave while others cower in fear? Why is one person kind and sweet and bubbly while the other is cruel and bitter and harsh? Why do some like rock music and others like opera? Why chocolate instead of fruity?
Are we all really so very different? What MAKES us that way?
I was hanging out with a friend the other night and we have known each other for years. But we got into some deep conversation and we discovered that we are very much alike. Not in obvious ways that everyone can see, but in ways that only we can see, things we don't share with other people. It took one of us trusting the other and letting out some deep things, and suddenly the other was taking a hand and saying, "Seriously? That's me, too." And we kept going, and we kept finding things that we had in common.
But anyone looking at us would not see them.
So it made me many other people are really like me on the deep inside, but I can't see it? How many people are the exact opposite in truth?
I don't know. I guess I'll have to start digging, huh?
What do you think? What makes us who we are?

1 comment:

Christopher P said...

Great post Beck! You pose a very interesting question. I think a combination of two things actually us... I believe each of us have divine traits given us and also weaknessess as supported by what the scriptures tell us. These inherent personality traits and flaws make us somewhat unique initially. I think the second thing that makes us all different is our choices here on Earth. What I mean by that is the how we choose to use our inherent traits and how/if we choose to overcome our flaws. With all the traits, flaws, and choices to be made in this world, no wonder we are all a little different:) Beavers.
-Your Brother Christopher