Friday, September 11, 2009


This week I have been reminded of how short life is. A woman who I knew when I was a young teenager and whose mother is good friends with mine passed away on Wednesday after battling AML Leukemia. She had been doing so well, amazing, really, considering she was carrying her fourth child when diagnosed and delivered him healthy and strong, and for the past 10 months has been fighting so hard. But because of the weakness of her body, she was susceptible to infection, which is what brought her to the end of her life. She leaves her husband and four young children behind, the oldest is maybe 6.
It does not seem fair to have someone so young be taken. She was a wonderful mother and the rock in her extended family. She was an example to us all, and a friend to everyone. There was so much for her to do still, the least of which would be raising those children, giving them memories of their mother and teachings to live by. But my worrying self cannot help but feel anxious for her husband. How can he support and raise four children without her?
Needless to say, I cried for a while when I found out. I know that families are eternal and transcend the grave, but the pain is still there. Comfort is to be found, yes, but the hurt is not gone. Not when it's like this.
I am learning that God knows what He is doing, that we need to trust in Him. We won't understand all the time, and sometimes it will seem like we never do, but if we have faith that God's will is being done, we may have enough of a measure of peace that we can get through.
This life is short. Let us fill it when the best things, so that when it is over, whenever it is over, it might be said of us, "Their life was lived to the fullest."
God bless you, Annie, and watch over your husband and children. Thank you for being in our lives.

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