Monday, October 13, 2008


I hope that you all haven't been feeling neglected by my lack of updates. I've been so insanely busy that I don't even know what day it is. I started my new job at Michaels on Wednesday, so I've been working 6 hour shifts and getting training and filling out paper work, etc. I had school on Thursday, then worked again on Friday, and then Friday night I went up to Waynesville, Ohio to help my good pal Lorrie Monn with her booth for the Sauerkraut Festival. It's this really cute craft fair, which, of course, includes tons of sauerkraut [smells awful], but there's a lot of other foods and fun stuff. Lorrie's business, Mistletoe Memories, makes Christmas ornaments that we then personalize to the customer's specificaitions. It was tons of fun, but I worked 12 hours on Saturday, on my feet the entire time, and then 11 hours on Sunday. THEN I went in to work today (didn't have to go in until 3, so I at least got to sleep in) and was on my feet for another 6 hours. Currently, my feet are propped up on the desk and I can feel them throb. It is times like these, as I told my new friend Alex [she worked with us at the Festival] when a husband would come in handy. Footrubs, shoulder rubs, comments about how amazing and hardworking I am, etc, etc, etc. I could use any or all of that at this time, but I'll settle for now with the reminder that I made a ton of money in one long, exhausting weekend.
I have to go to bed now, because I have a full day of school tomorrow! My goodness, I think I AM amazing...

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