Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bill of Rights

My darling friend Cecily, whom I met first during BYU Sports and Dance Camps and then was fortunate enough to be in company with my entire time in England posted this amazing thing on her blog called the Single Good Girl's (and Guy's) Bill of Rights. I was so impressed with it that I had to post a second time on here today. I hope you don't mind, Cec, as I did say it was you who engineered this awesomeness. But seriously, single people (and you married people too) take notes!!
A Single Good Girl's (and Guy's) Bill of Rights:
1) If you are a good person, you deserve a GOOD person. If the man/woman you are interested treats you badly, they are NOT good enough for you. Do not waste time with a person that does not treat you the way a son or daughter of God should be treated. Do not put up with belittling, maliciousness, manipulation, or guilt from the person you are dating. This is wrong.
2) In relation to #1, remember that there are many, many good men/women out there who will treat you much better. Have faith in the Lord and Move On. Trust that the Lord will bless you with a good, righteous relationship.
3) Communication is a must. You must be able to communicate problems and differences and be willing to sort them out afterwards. Every good young man/woman deserves effective communication in any kind of relationship. Do not immaturely give the cold shoulder and think "He knows why I'm mad, he should say sorry to me at once". He probably doesn't know what you're mad about, he's a Man!
4) Girls, every good man deserves a good woman. Just because it is "that time of the month" does not give you the excuse that you can treat everyone in your life like dirt (family and friends alike). Be a good person all of the time. It's okay to be emotional, but realize before you get angry why you're getting angry. And guys, don't put up with emotional girls. If they treat you like dirt 1 week out of every month, that will be a very very very long relationship, and marriage. Date girls that have a grip on themselves and can practice self-control (a very good quality to have in a marriage). And worse, my own personal pet peeve, girls just shouldn't date estrogen-filled guys. That should be biologically impossible . . .
5) Sorry, I got on a rant. #5 is that every good guy and girl deserve a selfless partner. This is the #1 reason that couples today get a divorce--selfishness. Work on being a selfless person, sacrificing your desires for the good of others, and you will in turn attract selfless people. If you work on being selfless in finances, communication, and relationships with family and friends, you will have a wonderful life and hopefully find the spouse of your dreams.
6) We each deserve someone willing to work. A good man that is willing to work and be productive will make a great marriage partner. A good girl is not going to be spending hours and hours everyday watching TV, looking at Facebook, or writing blogs, but is going to spend her time doing homework and cultivating herself. We need to be wary that we don't let idleness seap into our lives.
7) A potential spouse will encompass all of the qualities listed above because he loves the Lord. He will want to be a good boyfriend, fiance, husband and father because he loves the Lord and loves you. A good wife will put the Lord first in her life above all else, and will put her marriage to you second on the list. A good relationship will not work if Heavenly Father is not included in the triangle.

I think there was more, but that was all we get for now!! Fantastic, isn't it???

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