Monday, September 29, 2008

New Happiness

Ok, besides the fact that the Relief Society broadcast was AMAZING and that my home stake's Women's Conference was OUTSTANDING, I have other happy things that may have just completed my life.
1) My mom, bless her, took me shopping while I was home because I am a very poor no-longer-college student, and she bought me not only a new skirt [which is adorable] but a new pair of Church shoes that just might be the most favorite shoes that I now own.
Aren't they fantastic??? Seriously. I wore them to church yesterday and I felt amazing.

2) I saw a new musical on Friday. It's a musical adaptation of Emma. I was skeptical at first, because we all know that it is one thing to make a movie from a book, but an entirely different thing to make a musical out of one. It works sometimes [like Les Miserables] and sometimes it doesn't [like Gone With The Wind]. This one was totally amazing. I think it must be off-Broadway, but it was the most fantastic thing I have seen since London. Mr. Knightly was a god, Emma was perfect, Harriet Smith was both as endearing and annoying as she should be, and the music was fun and sooooo good. There's a song Knightly sings about Emma and ugh! It totally made me cry.They were so cute! And I laughed my face off. Thankfully, the girl sitting next to me from our group was single, too, so we laughed at the same things... After Knightley finished his BEAUTIFUL song [part of which can be viewed on youtube here: ], she leaned over to me a whispered, "I want one of those." I was in total agreement

So yes, new happiness has been found. Besides that, I inherited a full package of Halloween Oreos. Perfection...for the time being...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Begging Time...

I am going to completely abandon every sense of pride I ever posessed and get down on my knees [figuratively, of course. I couldn't type here if I actually were kneeling] and BEG, PLEAD, and CAJOLE any of you with any connections into the world of publishing to give me a boost up into it. I've sent out at least 15 letters, still awaiting the response from three, and all have been rejections. This is ok, it happens to all authors. But I've just finished my SECOND novel, and my fingers are itching to get going on the third, and I don't even have any prospects for my FIRST! Granted, it is certainly possible for me to keep writing and then just pass this stuff out, but, call me greedy, I want to make a little bit of proft. And I want to avoid that copyrighting issue. What's to stop any of you sneaky twits from selling this as your own? I don't care about being a bestseller, I just want to share what I've got with people!
So please, friends, if you know anyone in the adult fiction publishing area, or knows someone who knows someone, or your dentist's neice's husband's brother's podiatrist's former in-laws work at a publishing house, let me know. If you need proof that I'm not just chasing a wild fantasy, I'll send you some stuff. It's gone over pretty well with everyone who has read it thusfar, and I'm very proud of it.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Thanks so much, and I promise to never shame myself this way again.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


13 Confessions from Me:
1. I will not do anything that has a potential to embarrass me. This includes sports and games. Oddly enough, I will do almost anything in a skit...
2. I hate video games and think they are a HUGE waste of time
3. I don't like basketball. Hate it, actually.
4. I don't like Jim Carrey. I think he is a good actor, especially when he does serious stuff, but I don't think he is that funny.
5. I think birds are the creepiest, scariest things on the planet. I hate hate hate HATE them.
6. I can call up a movie quote almost immediately but it takes time for anything school related to formulate.
7. I hate blatantly stupid movies and shows. Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre, The Office, etc. I don't ever care to see Dumb and Dumber for that reason.
8. I HATE bad grammar and wrong pronunciation
9. Slow drivers and walkers tick me off like nothing else
10. I have a crazy obsession with love. It's incureable. I read it, I listen to songs about it, I write stories about it, I watch movies about it.
11. I sing in the car when I'm by myself. Loudly.
12. I cry in movies and during songs and while watching Hallmark commercials.
13. I cannot watch films where a spouse dies without going entirely to pieces. Total meltdown.

I tag Erin, Alicia, Jane, and Steph. And anyone else who wants to...

Friday, September 19, 2008


Well, I suppose I ought to let people know what is happening with me right now. Sadly, my life is not very exciting and I have little hope of it improving. I had two job interviews this week, one as a sales associate for Massage Envy, which would be good, but it doesn't sound like something I would enjoy. The other was for a position on the Inventory Team or as a Seller at Borders, which would be SPECTACULAR. Both went well, but Borders sounds like more fun to me! Let's see, what else.... OH! There was a HUGE power outage all across the lower half of the state of Ohio because of a wind storm sent up from Ike. 1 million homes without power! For days! We were only out for 36 hours here, but the phones and internet were out for an additional 24. Thank heavens for cell phones! We didn't suffer any damages here, but many did.
In other news, I finished the first draft of my second novel, "The Heart of a Scoundrel", which is hilarious and a rousing good time. Now I am editing (endlessly) and still trying to get the first novel, "From Afar", published, which is taking forever, as no literary agent has accepted it yet. But never fear, I shall prevail.
Oh yeah, and I still have school. Yick.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I love chocolate. I do. I make sure that I always have some nearby because I never know when I'll need a fix. Chocolate is a pick-me-up, it is my happy thought, and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, rather like I'd imagine that love would. I'm not addicted, but I highly doubt that I could give it up entirely if I needed to. I pray every so often that it won't make the list of the Word of Wisdom forbidden food because if it did, I would cry for years. I'm afraid the Lord might do it anyway just so I have to suffer it. It would probably be really funny for Him to watch.

But does anybody notice that our chocolate changes with the seasons? Autumn is coming, and so I crave caramel and chocolate, like a Carmello. In winter, it's chocolate and mint. Spring...well, that's when the fruit candy is real big, but those of us who are purists get the Spring colored M&Ms of our choice. And summer is all about the chocolate and nuts. Why do we associate those flavors with those times of the year?

What do you think? What is your favorite seasonal chocolate treat?