Monday, April 26, 2010

Favorite Lit Tidbits

I've been taking an unofficial hiatus from blogging. Truth is, I've had nothing to blog ABOUT. My life is very boring at the moment.
But, lucky for you, my life will get more exciting in a few weeks. I got a job! A real one! A big kid job, as my dad informed me! We'll talk about that later, once I know more.
Right now I have a question.
I've been spending some time thinking about literature. Movies, books, etc. I don't know about you, but in every movie or book, I have a favorite part. And besides that, little favorite tidbits that make me happy. For example, in Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly, I love the part in the rain. It is not my favorite part in the entire movie as a whole, but I love it. You know why I love it? I love the rain. I love the emotionally charged scenes that take place in the rain. It just adds so much! Wives and Daughters has a rain scene, and I LOVE that one too. Rain scenes...ugh, they are great.
Here's another example: The Proposal. The scene in the bedroom when she starts talking about random things that he doesn't know about her. You can just seen how touched he is. I mean, he almost cries! Well, maybe not, but his Adam's apple DEFINITELY moves! I love the vulnerability that such a strong character portrays, the trust she is placing in him when she isn't entirely sure she wants to. And I love that he doesn't answer right away. He isn't sure how to take it, how he feels, and he obviously cares enough to watch what he says so he won't hurt her. Vulnerable, emotional, and a key turning point.
One more: I have no idea why, but I LOVE when a hero is in trouble and the girl goes to save him. It may not work, and half the time doesn't, but I love that she tries it. That one is everywhere. The Scarlet Pimpernel, The Adventures of Robin Hood with Errol Flynn, Beauty and the Beast....Love it.
Oh, and the Cinderella thing...I love when they do that.
So. Tell me. In books or movies, what are your favorite tidbits and gimmicks? Mistaken identity? Cross dressing? Rain? Chases? Tell all! And tell us where we can find it!


Stephanie said...

Well, this isn't a romantic thing, but i have a few favorite scenes that i will watch over and over and over and over and, well, you get the idea. These scenes include the duel of the fates from Star Wars episode 1, the final fight scene from episode 3, the final fight scene from episode 6, the final fight scene in the Count of Monte Cristo, the scene in the embassy from Bourne Identity where Jason Bourne goes all.....Jason Bourne on those security guards. The final sword fight from Pirates of the Caribbean and most definitely the scene in the beginning where Jack and Will first meet and duke it out. In fact, at one time, I think I had that sword fight memorized and could reenact it in my sleep. "But, Stephanie" you ask, "these are all fight scenes." I know, I know. What does that say about me? But in all honesty, I could watch these scenes non-stop and never tire of them. I think it's because I find swordplay to be a very beautiful thing. The combination of beautifully crafted music that compliments the clash of swords perfectly is something that gives me goosebumps. It's like ballroom dancing.....with sharp objects.

Stephanie said...

p.s., I realize that Jason Bourne doesn't have a sword, but if you watch the scene and watch the "making of" that scene, you'll see that there is as much thought and choreography put into his moves than if he did have a sword. [sigh] I think I'm going to have to go watch that scene now.....