Friday, March 12, 2010

Spiritual thoughts

"The Lord doesn't expect us to work harder than we are able. He doesn't (nor should we) compare our efforts to those of others. Our Heavenly Father asks only that we do the best we can -- that we can work according to our full capacity, however great or small that may be." --President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
I got that quote on a cute little handout from one of our Relief Society teachers a few weeks ago, and since we're on a cleaning binge in my home, I found it on my desk and put it up on my desk almost without thinking. Then later (or NOW, in my grand timeline) I saw it again and was struck by it. I don't know what it is, but I have been thinking a lot about our Heavenly Father lately. He sent us all down here for a reason. He has a plan so that even though we all screw up, it won't ruin our chances of returning to Him. He has given us all that we have and all that we have to do is do our best. Our VERY best, mind you, and work at it, but that's it. Do our best and put our trust in Him. That doesn't seem like very much, does it?
I never understand why people think that God is mean. He is the reason that we exist! He blesses us with so many things! He is our Father and He lvoes us so much that He sent us Jesus Christ, our brother, who was willing to suffer and die for us so that our Father's plan could work! We are so loved by them that I can't even comprehend it!
In some of my more contemplative moments, I wonder why I was sent here and now. Why not when Jesus was on the earth? Why not during the Restoration? Why was I not a Nephite woman or a pilgrim or a peasant in Queen Elizabeth's time? Why am I in this place at this time? I do have days where I honestly wish I were somewhere else in some other time. But every time I have thought that, these two lines come into my mind: "The Lord does not make mistakes. You are meant to be here right now." Does that make me feel better? Yes. Does it answer anything? Nope, but I trust that the Lord knows exactly what He is doing. It's me I'm a little worried about.
Easter is coming. And General Conference is on Easter this year. I feel more inclined to prepare myself for conference this year than before, and whether that is due to the holiday or just my own spiritual sense, I don't know. But I am so excited for the opportunity to hear what the Lord wants me to hear. I hope--and pray--that I am ready and open enough to listen. "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."

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