Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I need hobbies....or a job

It is an interesting turn of life when you find yourself unoccupied for most of the day, and then work most of the evening, which is when normal people have their most unoccupied time. Unless you're single, and then it is just as busy. As I am single, it would still be busy. But as I only work in the evenings at this point, my social life is pretty much in the tank.
But enough about that, let's get back on topic: I have a very long day before I ever get to work because quite simply, I don't have too much to do. I'm looking for another job to fill the morning, but with the economy the way it is.... And then there's the worry that working during the day AND at night will significantly hinder my availability for those few chances I get to work during the day.
But what should I do during those long mornings alone? I have very few needs at the moment, so shopping is pretty pointless. I have very little money, so taking classes for fun is out. I seriously lack patience or creativity, so I cannot knit afghans for orphans. I'd write, but quite honestly, I write better when I have a little compressed time and not huge masses of time that need to be filled.
I need ideas. Until I have steady work that keeps me busy, I need ideas for things I can do during the day to make me feel productive and will use my time in a cosntructive way. I've had my share of TV days, and those days are just as long and unproductive as sitting around and staring at dust.
Help me out, kids, will ya?


Karen Thomas said...

family history?

alishka babushka said...

ditto to Karen - seriously, it is so easy to do some indexing. I've done some here and there when I have time. It's awesome. go online and teach yourself!

Let's see, you could go through old school stuff from your younger years and put together a book of your favorite younger writings?

Scrapbooking? (maybe?)

OR! You could always email your old friends OR blog more.

Alicia Curtis said...

I am also in need of something to occupy myself. I have a great job during the day - but I find myself with a lot of free time during the job. And in the evenings, my husband is at work and I am just sitting at home bored and watching TV - and I'm really getting sick of TV.

I crochet, I'm learning to knit, I'm trying to write a story (unsuccessfully, so far), I've read over 10 books in the last six months, including the Count of Monte Cristo. I need more to occupy my time.

Stephanie said...

i started working out. you could start walking around the neighborhood or do a work-out video at home. you could also clean up the dust instead of staring at it and help with some housework. i know i always find things to clean or organize at my house. i bet you could find places to do some volunteer work, always looks good on a future resume. you could develop drawing or painting skills, i bet that you could check out how-to books from your local library. or you could always talk to old friends who are seriously starting to doubt that you even exist anymore.

Celeste said...

I have a wii fit and a lonely puppy that needs training! I'm sure we could strike a deal. ;) Also, for Christmas I bought my mom a fairly cheap wood burner and some decorative wood pieces from Walmart, all together it cost me maybe $30, and that's a fun skill you could learn! I'd also look into some glass etching. :) Or go the cheap route and ModPodge. You said you're not craftsy but you have some serious skills and I wouldn't give up on yourself too early, the world of crafts is vast and varied.

The James Family said...

Doing little acts of service does a lot for morale! I know that when my husband is deployed, and I get bored or feeling sorry for myself or just need to change the pace...I find a project to do for someone else. Usually it involves baking cupcakes...but there are lots of things that you could do. Even if it's just writing someone a letter. Random acts of service...totally free and always a good thing!