Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year...

I was a slug the entire month of December. Granted, I did things...like baking dozens of coffee cakes for our friends, addressing and stuffing envelopes with Christmas cards, mailing packages...and I watched a lot of Christmas movies. I think I went through each of the movies in our collection once, and some of them at least twice. I really enjoyed the holidays! I had all of the anticipation and had time to revel in the entire season.
But now it's over...and as always, I am really sad. It's just such a magical time and when it's over it feels like the magic is gone. I don't get nearly as excited about New Year's as other people do. But I do enjoy the time that it allows me to look back and try to figure out how to improve myself. Whether or not I follow through on those things is another matter entirely...
What are you going to do this year that will make it so special?

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