Monday, July 6, 2009

Ok, time for the rundown

Hi y'all.
Remember me? Prolly not, but that's ok. It's my own fault. Life has been crazy with me trying to get everything done that I needed to and now that I have time to breathe, I can fill everyone in.
Since passing my exam, I have been filling out lots of paperwork trying to get licensed in Indiana and getting my scores set and setting up my business so that I can have an income and eventually move to my own place and be independent again. It's slow, which is frustrating, and it makes me anxious, which isn't good, but there is not much I can do about that.
I needed a break, and so I went for a little jaunt to St. Louis to visit my college roomie Steph and her family and it was AWESOME. A touch hot and mroe than a touch humid, but we had a great time and it was just the vacay I needed. I went to the zoo, the art museum, a few bookstores, the City Museum [a MUST for anyone going's a playground for big kids!], the Arch, and two movies, not to mention the fabulous array of foods I partook of. Ah, it was bliss, and suffice it to say, I was not excited to come back home.
But my sister Sarah is here for a bit, working church summer camps and generally making us all a little crazier, which is so much fun! Then last week, my brother and his VERY pregnant wife came up for the 4th and Erin's baby shower, so we had whole family here for a few days. Wow, did this house get small quickly. We used to all fit, I swear. We played games, went shopping, felt the baby hiccup...and then the shower came on Friday. Wow, did Erin ever SCORE! Some of our family came down from Chi-town and we laughed A LOT. Good times, good times. I can't wait to be an aunt.
And since Erin is so far along, we couldn't really go anywhere for a fireworks show, and honestly, none of us wanted to. But lucky us, our neighbors got together with some other people in the next neighborhood over and shot off some totally CRAZY fieworks right there next to us so we got a show on our deck for free! It was so COOL. Best fireworks ever, hands down. I almost wrote them a check.
Now the house is quiet again. Jen swims at Nationals tomorrow and Wed with a shot at the World Champ team, so who knows what's coming next.
As for me, I'm still trying to find my place around here. I haven't written in ages[very sad, I know, but I haven't lost anything...I hope...], mostly because I don't feel like I can just sit and do it. I feel like I have to actively be doing something, but there is nothing to do. I feel assured that things will work out, I just don't know when or how...
And THAT is what terrfies the heck out of me.


Erin_C said...

whats with the "VERY" in capital letters? really, was that necessary? ;-)

beckster said...

I do apologize. Future Readers Note: the VERY in the above post should be changed to SLIGHTLY. Thank you. =)