Tuesday, February 9, 2010

An interesting idea...

I woke up the other day with an interesting idea that began the night before and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind since.
I've been having problems sitting down and writing like I used to do, and I'm pretty sure it's because I have too much time on my hands and so I can't focus. But I had a great idea for a story pop in, with just one minor problem: I could only vaguely create a plot. I had no solid ideas on any characters. I don't have names, pictures, and only have itty bitty personality traits that may or may not change. I have never been so dissatisfied with my creations.
When I woke up the next morning, I had a few more little ideas, but one really big one: get input.
Do here's my interesting idea: I'll tell you some of what I know, and you help me fill in the gaps. Obviously I'm not going to tell you all because that would ruin everything. But I want to test this out and see what kind of response I get and if you guys have as creative imaginations as I think you do. You don't have to answer them all, just any that strike your fancy.
So here we go.
Setting: 1800's England
NAME and DESCRIBE our heroine. Wealthy daughter of a respected family, moderately attractive, sensible, but with an independent streak and longs for any sort of adventure. Quite used to biting her tongue. Not yet had a suitor she could stand for more than 15 minutes.
NAME her wastrel, extravagent but rather attractive older brother and BRAINSTORM how he got that way. Not even closely approaching any thoughts of matrimony or preserving the family estate.
NAME and DESCRIBE their father. A decent man, although forgetful since his wife's recent death. Has a secret...one he is terrified of having revealed.
NAME and DETAIL their neighbor. A meddling middle-aged widow who rambles and always has some ailment to complain about. Knows absolutely everything about everybody...and never forgets.
NAME and DESCRIBE the family friend. A bachelor of mid to late 30's with an impressive fortune, good heart, but minimal social skills and no taste for idiocy. Also has a taste for criticism, an eye for potential, and a dark past that haunts his dreams.
NAME and DESCRIBE the plain, painfully shy daughter of the magistrate. A girl of our heroine's age, of moderate accomplishment, rarely seen and even more rarely heard. Overshadowed continually by her beautiful TWIN SISTER and their overbearing, pompous, absolutely bizarre mother, both of which also deserves a NAME and some physical features.
NAME and DETAIL the token invisible male, who always does good that is never traced back to him. Desperately hopes for one thing...and one thing only.
NAME and DESCRIBE the mystery visitor who rides recklessly in and changes everyone's lives in one way or another. An exceedingly attractive rogue with a dashing history...if it can be believed.

Right, so that's that. Have I made you all curious? Good, because, quite frankly, I've made myself curious. I make no promises to accept anything that you say, but then again, I just might accept everything....bwah hahahahahahahha......

1 comment:

The James Family said...

Wow...that is an interesting idea, Becky! I am always amazed by your creativity and passion for writing. I have zero imagination when it comes to writing...but I look forward what you come up with!! And when you have your book signing party...I will do the cake.