Friday, March 13, 2009

Retail Rant

I don't know if it is because I am feeling under the weather today or because it feels like the past three weeks have been one continuous stretch of monotony and boredom the likes of which I have never known, but I have a LOT on my mind with regards to our current habits as patrons of various retail establishments. As an employee of an aforementioned retail establishment, I have the opportunity to see the other side of a customer's actions. Allow me now to enlighten you on the most irritating things a customer can do to a retail employee.
1. "This item is on sale. Can I use my coupon on it?" -- why in heck would you be allowed to take a discount off of something already discounted??? I know you want to save money, but this is not the way to do it. I don't know of any retail establishment that will allow you to do that unless it is a special coupon that specifically says 'additional' on it.
2. "I found this coupon from last month. Can I still use it?" -- Well....what does the coupon say? The dates of the coupon are listed ON the coupon. We (and I doubt any other establishment) can't in good conscience honor an out of date coupon. That's why there are dates on it.
3. "Hey! That's supposed to be 40% off." -- This one is not so much a bad habit as just annoying. But it's not your fault, really. As a cashier, I can't keep track of everything that is supposed to be on sale in the store and if it is not ringing up on sale, I can't believe it. What if you're trying to scam me? So I am going to call the manager or someone else to check on that. Please don't get all frustrated with me for doing my job. If you want the discount so badly, you can wait a few minutes for it.
4. "I don't want this. I'll put it over here." -- now why would that make be on this list, hmm? Is that where you got the item? No. Do you see anything else like it where you are placing it? No. So what makes you think that it is ok that it is put there?!?!? Which bring me to the next.
5. "It's ok, they have people hired to put things away." -- No. No we don't. WE put those away. WE, the now frowning but ever polite cashier you are working with. In our current economical situation, do you really think that we have the money to hire more people just to put things away because you can't? Please. For all our sakes, do what your mother told you and clean up after yourself.
6. "This says it is $14.99. Can I get it for $12.99?" -- NO. The price is the price and that is that. Unless you have a coupon--a VALID coupon, mind--I am not going to give it to you. Sure, make me call the manager, if you like. He might give it to you, but it's only to make you go away, and sure, that gets you the extra money you can go spend on a bag of chips, but you've just annoyed twice the number of people you would have otherwise. Feel better?
7. "Which way do I slide my card?" -- Um...the way you always slide credit cards. Magnetic strip down! Yes, that little strip on the back is good for something. And as for the direction...Do the glowing arrows on the side of my machine not help you out with your confusion?
8. "Which one is Enter?" -- Sigh...I'm not sure I want to even go here. But, honestly, in our technological age, you have to ask which one is enter? No, it is NOT always the red button. Yes, I know that other places have a red button for you, but if you can't tell, mine has a big X on it. Each machine is different. Take notice.
I won't go on, even though there is much more. I'm sounding harsh, but it's just a culmination of things. I just wanted to give everyone the view that I get. I have tried to become more considerate in my own shopping, kinder to those cashiers who look a little frustrated, and to hold my tongue when I would really like to complain. The lowly cashier at the register is not to blame for anything, so why take it out on them? Why make their day a bad one because I am so irritated with my own current situation? So, please, for the sake of the little people in the retail world, smile. Be a smart shopper. Be a considerate shopper. And please, read your coupons. The whole thing. Even the little words at the bottom. You can learn a lot from them.

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