Tuesday, July 22, 2008

To do....Or Not to do.....

So I woke up this morning at the semi-normal (because my windows face directly east....) hour of 7:45, laid in bed for another hour reading New Moon, and then sat up, looked around my room, and decided that I really didn't HAVE to get out of bed today. But then my newly installed adult portion of my brain said, "Yes, Becky, you do. You have a ton to do and you have to do it." Well, I fought with that stupid adult side for fifteen minutes, and then finally decided that I COULD get up without acutally doing anything.
Perhaps I should explain...currently, my room is littered with various articles of clothing, random bits of papers, and a general disaster thanks to my graduating, moving, travelling, and having to move again. Since I have NO idea how much space I actually have at my new place, the idea of beginning to pack again terrifies me. Not to mention that my parents have asked me to go through all of the stuff that USED to be in my closet and throw things out... Can we say ick? They have youth program service projects for things like that!
Anyway, the writing process is going EXTREMELY well, even though Jenny seems to think I'm anti-social. Whatever. I'm not going to stop, if that's what she means...love her, though. She's such a goof.
So who knows how much of whatever is going to get done today. I only have a week until Orientation, so I should do SOMETHING besides write today. Like take a shower. That I can do.

1 comment:

The James Family said...

Hey! It's great to have you back on the blogging scene. Good luck with your move! By the way, I tagged you...