Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I've been tagged.....

Thanks, Kerstin, for giving me something to do!
The rules are as follows for this chain letter:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Write six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your blog entry is up.

Six random things:

I have a stronger attachment to my books than my clothes.

I eat my pancakes with peanut butter and syrup

I am the smallest member of my immediate family.

I've been writing stuff since I was in first's mostly rubbish, but STILL...

It has been stated that I have the ugliest feet in the Connolly family, and that includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

I'm a little obsessed with good smelling things. Body spray, lotion, candles, bath salts, aromatherapy sticks... (and that's just on my desk and dresser right now....)

And I am going to tag.......Erin, Celeste, Jane, Jackie, Alicia, and Kylie!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

To do....Or Not to do.....

So I woke up this morning at the semi-normal (because my windows face directly east....) hour of 7:45, laid in bed for another hour reading New Moon, and then sat up, looked around my room, and decided that I really didn't HAVE to get out of bed today. But then my newly installed adult portion of my brain said, "Yes, Becky, you do. You have a ton to do and you have to do it." Well, I fought with that stupid adult side for fifteen minutes, and then finally decided that I COULD get up without acutally doing anything.
Perhaps I should explain...currently, my room is littered with various articles of clothing, random bits of papers, and a general disaster thanks to my graduating, moving, travelling, and having to move again. Since I have NO idea how much space I actually have at my new place, the idea of beginning to pack again terrifies me. Not to mention that my parents have asked me to go through all of the stuff that USED to be in my closet and throw things out... Can we say ick? They have youth program service projects for things like that!
Anyway, the writing process is going EXTREMELY well, even though Jenny seems to think I'm anti-social. Whatever. I'm not going to stop, if that's what she her, though. She's such a goof.
So who knows how much of whatever is going to get done today. I only have a week until Orientation, so I should do SOMETHING besides write today. Like take a shower. That I can do.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

This time I really am back, I promise.

Well, I hope none of you thought I was dead, though I wouldn't blame you if you did, seeing as how I haven't posted on here in AGES. But never fear, I am alive and well....mostly....
Ok, here comes the explanation. Last April, if you recall, I took the atheletic training certification exam. I found out on the day of my graduation ceremony AFTER I had graduated that I had failed. To make a very long story very short, I was devastated, and didn't want to duscuss it. But I went off to England, and had a marvelous time and only thought about the test every single day. But there was nothing I could do about it overseas, so I didn't worry about it. Just before I came home the scores of the test were sent out and I found out that I had failed by 6 points. Just 6. That's all. That took some getting over. Anyway, I came home, started unpacking, and then went to Omaha for Jenny, as you all know. And since then I have done nothing but study, eat, sleep, and occasionally take a shower. I have not been blogging or writing at all, and, trust me, I felt the pain of that! After months of nothing but writing, try telling yourself to stop. It sucks. ANYWHO, I just took the test again this morning, feel GREAT about it, and so now I am BACK!
So, here's what the dealio is: I move to Cincinnati at the end of this month for massage school. But before then, I have to organize my room, PACK my room, finish editing From Afar, send of 7 more letters to literary agents, get some more work done on To Love Again, and transfer all of my written novel notes into my computer so that I have all of the information in one place!
I think I might die.....
Oh, for those of you who are new to my writing schemes: From Afar is my first novel. It's all done, but there is still some editing and revising needed. It's the first in a series about the Birkham family, set in Regency England, but without the high-faluting mumbo-jumbo. It's told a lot like how my brain sees things and thinks things, so I find it pretty funny. To Love Again is the second book in the series, and is not even halfway done, which is BAD considering I wanted to have the first draft done by Halloween....might have to make that Thanksgiving..... If you want to know more about all of that stuff, email me at I'm ALWAYS more than happy to talk about these things!!!!
Right, I also have to find a job in Cincy. I just applied to one at the new hospital opening in Liberty in their Rehabilitation center, so we'll see. School starts on August 5th, so that will be exciting.
OH! And I also have to buy and read Breaking Dawn on August 2nd. Please don't call me that day, I won't answer. Or if I do, I might be issuing all sorts of mean, horrible, nasty threats that I may or may not follow through with, depending on how it ends and how many of you call.
Yes, I am a Twilight-aholic. So what? It's good stuff! GO EDWARD!
Anyway, that's my current life in a nutshell. Confused? So am I. But somehow I'll manage to connect all the various parts of me, and figure out who I am, what I am doing, and where it all will lead me. Wow, that sounds tiring. I think I'll have to pack some M&Ms for that...